Minggu, 22 November 2015

Pemanfaatan Google apps for education

Apa itu Google Apps for Education?
Google Apps for Education adalah layanan google untuk dunia pendidikan mulai dari TK, SD, SMP, SMA/MA/SMK dan perguruan tinggi. Google memberi solusi untuk komunikasi yang terintegrasi dengan  email, kalender dan obrolan/ diskusi dan solusi berkolaborasi dalam kegiatan pembelajaran.

Google apps adalah salah satu perkembangan global warming yang dapat mempermudah pekerjaan manusia dan dapat membantu pekerjaan kita menjadi lebih efisien.
 Google Apps For Education terdiri dari:

●Gmail: Akun email untuk masing-masing siswa, pengajar, staff dengan fasilitas, fungsi dan Google Apps menawarkan penyimpanan 25 GB per pengguna, pemfilteran spam yang canggih, dan jaminan waktu aktif sesuai SLA 99,9%. Semua diinangi oleh Google – tanpa biaya dan tanpa iklan untuk siswa, pengajar, atau staf.

●Google Calendar: Siswa dapat mengorganisir rencana kegiatan dan even-even yang kemudian dapat di bagikan pada yang lainnya.

●Google Talk: Siswa dapat memanggil dan mengirim pesan pada yang lainnya setiap saat, dari manapun di muka bumi ini.

●Google Docs: Siswa dapat berbagi file dokumen. Kolaborasi dalam waktu yang nyata (real time) dengan kelompok dalam satu sekolah/ kampus dan hasilnya di publikasikan pada dunia.

●Google Video for Educations: Video hosting dan sharing untuk internal lembaga pendidikan untuk mengefektifkan kerja sama.
Dan salah satu google apps yang sekolah saya gunakan ialah apps Google Classroom. Google classroom adalah salah satu aplikasi dari google yang menerapkan sistem belajar online.dengan menggunakan google classroom para siswa tidak perlu membawa banyak buku pelajaran,cukup beberapa saja.dan dengan menggunakan google calssroom tugas-tugas yang diberikan oleh para guru dapat dikerjakan oleh para siswa dengan tepat waktu dan siswa merasa akan senang,karena salah satu faktornya adalah mereka bisa mengerjakan tugas sambil bermain online,ex: membuka media sosialnnya.

Berikut adalah pemanfaatan dari google classroom :

●Penyiapan yang mudah Pengajar dapat menambahkan siswa secara langsung atau berbagi kode dengan kelasnya untuk bergabung. Hanya perlu beberapa menit untuk menyiapkannya.

●Hemat waktu Alur tugas yang sederhana dan tanpa kertas memungkinkan pengajar membuat, memeriksa, dan menilai tugas dengan cepat, di satu tempat.

●Meningkatkan pengorganisasian Siswa dapat melihat semua tugasnya di laman tugas, dan semua materi kelas secara otomatis disimpan ke dalam folder di Google Drive.

●Meningkatkan komunikasi Classroom memungkinkan pengajar mengirim pengumuman dan pertanyaan secara langsung. Karena siswa dapat mengeposkan ke aliran, mereka dapat membantu teman sekelasnya.

●Terjangkau dan aman Seperti layanan Google Apps for Education lainnya, Classroom tidak mengandung iklan, tidak pernah menggunakan konten Anda atau data siswa untuk iklan, dan gratis untuk sekolah.

●lebih mudah dan menyenangkan

Berikut adalah foto bagaimana penggunaan google classroom :


Dan itulah yang bisa saya share ke kalian.pesan saya adalah gunakanlah smua aplikasi yang ada di google dengan bijaksana dan sebaik-baiknya.Perkembangan zaman boleh saja kita ikuti asalkan kita jangan mau di bodohi oleh pekembangan zaman ini. Dan jangan lupa yaa kunjungi blog saya lagi.terimakasih ^_^

Minggu, 08 November 2015

Macam-macam Browser dengan vendor yang berbeda

1. Netscape Navigator

, Netscape Navigator merupakan browser web yang terkenal pada era 1990-an dan paling banyak digunakan sebelum kemunculan Internet Explorer dari Microsoft, yang dibuat oleh Netscape Corporation. Pada zamannya, Netscape banyak digunakan oleh pengguna karena memang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan beberapa web browser berbasis grafis yang lainnya saat itu.Browser ini merupakan salah satu dari browser tertua dengan maraknya evolusi internet. Dan menurut wikipedia netscape navigator ini adalah browser web gagasan mozilla firefox. Tapi sayangnya netscape navigator ini telah dihentikan dukungannya oleh pihak pendukung yaitu AOL dan memberikannya kepada mozilla foundation.
 1) Kelebihan : - Stabil jika digunakan untuk surfing, browsing, upload, dan download - Netscape navigator adalah browser web yang merupakan gagasan bagi browser Mozila FireFox.
 2) Kekurangan : Ø Tampilan GUI ( Grapical User Interface ) kurang bagus atau kasar. 

2. Internet Explorer Windows 

Internet Explorer sebelumnya dikenal sebagai Microsoft Internet Explorer, disingkat IE atau MSIE adalah sebuah peramban web dan perangkat lunak tak bebas yang gratis dari Microsoft, dan disertakan dalam setiap rilis system operasi Microsoft Windows tahun 1995. Internet Explorer hingga kini masih merupakan browser web yang paling banyak digunakan, meliputi 93,7 % dari keseluruhan penggunaan browser menurut sebuah perusahaan penganalisa web Web Side Story
Kelebihan : 1) Menyediakan Add – Ons, walaupun tidak sebanyak Firefox
 2) Khusus IE8, tampilannya lebih elegan dan menarik 
3) Bagi pengguna Windows Live maka akan dimanjakan dengan tab bookmark yang terhubung ke fitur – fitur milik windows live.

 Kekurangan : 1) Gagal membaca script dibeberapa halaman situs ( khususnya CSS ) 
2) Berat saat awal start dan saat membuka tab baru 
3) Internet Explorer 8 mudah dan pernah dijebol dengan hacker 
4) Internet Explorer 8 mengambil 380 MB space memori computer dengan 2 GB memori di OS Vista, sedangkan versi yang sbelumnya hanya membutuhkan 159 MB memori. 
5) Beberapa situs web mungkin tidak ditampilkan secara benar dan tidak berfungsi dengan baik padahal pada versi sebelumnya hal ini tidak terjadi.

 3.Google Chrome 

Web Browser buatan Google ini mulai banyak digunakan oleh pencinta internet, Google dengan menggunakan mesin rendering WebKit. Proyek sumber terbukanya sendiri dinamakan Chromium. Situs :http://www.google.com/chrome Google Chhrome membutuhkan memory yang lebih sedikit dibandingkan dengan Mozila Firefox dan ukuran aplikasinya lebih kecil. 
Kelebihan : 
1) Ringan dan gesit, termasuk ketika start pertama kali dan berpindah tab 
2) Desainnya simpel dan minimalis
 3) Updatenya mudah 
4) Sistem security kuat, saat ini menjadi browser yang paling tahan terhadap serangan hacker 
Kekurangan : 
1) Statis, fiturnya kurang banyak 
2) Instalnya harus online, crome tidak menyediakan file masterya, jadi kalau mau menginstal hanya diberi file lauchernya saja.
 3) Untuk kecepatannya masih bisa dibilang kurang stabil, karena saat mencoba membandingkannya dengan FireFox, terlihat jauh lebih lama dalam proses loading. 

Ini sedikit ilmu yang dapat saya share.smoga bermanfaat dan berguna.dan jangan lupa untuk kunjungi lagi ya blog saya. Shafiraaureli11.blogspot.com 

Senin, 19 Oktober 2015

Contoh soal UN kelas 9 #2

Read the text below and answer the questions!

On Saturday night, we went to the Town Hall. It was the last day of the year and a large crowd of people had gathered under the Town Hall clock. It would strike twelve in twenty minutes’ time. Fifteen minutes passed and then, at five to twelve, the clock stopped. The big minute hand did not move. We waited and waited, but nothing happenedhappened. Suddenly someone shouted,”It’s two minutes past twelve! The clock has stopped!”
I looked at my watch. It was true. The big clock refused to welcome the New Year. At that moment, everybody began to laugh and sing.

Saturday night: sabtu malam
went: pergi
Town hall: tengah kota
last: terakhir
large crowd: keramain yang besar
gather: berkumpul
under: di bawah
stop: berhenti
strike: tepat
big: besar

1.      When did the clock stopped?
A. A5.12                                                     
B. At 11.55
C. A12.00                                                   
d. At 12.02

2.      Why did the people gather under the Town Hall clock?
A. To welcome the New Year                                  
B. To see the newly bought clock
C.To strike the laughing people                    
d. To stop people who shouted

3.      Based on the text, where was the writer?
A. At the center of the town
B. At home
C. AT the beach
D. At the market

4.      When did the event happen?
A. in the middle of the year
B. the end of the year
C. Christmas celebration
D. at the weekend as usual

5.      Which of the following is not true according to the text?
A. the writer was waiting to celebrate the New Year.
B. the writer brought a watch.
C. the writer was very happy.
D. The writer celebrated the New Year with his family.

6.      What probably happened when someone shouted that the clock stopped?
A. Everybody directly celebrated the New Year
B. everybody sings and laugh.
C. everybody looked for a watch.
D. everybody shouted too.

7.      What does the first sentence tell you?
A. The problem that the writer met              
B. The funny thing in the story
C. The opening of the story                          
D. The past event

8.      “It would strike twelve in twenty minutes’ time.”
The underlined word refers to …
A. the clock
B. author’s watch
C. the town
D. the place

9.      It was the last day of the year and a large crowd of people had gathered under the Town Hall clock.
What is the closest meaning of the underlined word?
A. mass
B. big
C. many
D. lots of

10.  “The big clock refused to welcome the New Year”
What is the synonym of the word ….
A. reject
B. accept
C. admit
D. hate

Read the text below and answer the questions!

David had been waiting for his mother in front of the school. His mother usually fetched him from school but today she was not there. David waited for 15 minutes before he walked home by himself.
When he reached home, he knocked on the door as he did not bring the keys. Surprisingly, no one answered the door. David knocked again but still no one answered the door. Just as he was about to go to the nearby coffee shop where his father worked to get the keys, he heard the friiendly voice of his neighbour, John.
David told him that no one was home and John's mother suggested that David stayed in their house till his mother came back. David and John played happily till evening when David's mother came back. 
David thanked John and his family before he went back into his house. David's mother explained to David that she had a backache and she had to see a doctor. From this experience, David learnt an important lesson, "Neighbours are people who help each other."

Vocabulary List
-  fetched  =  menjemput
-  knocked  = mengetuk
-  friendly  =  ramah
-  backache  =  sakit punggung
-  experience  =  pengalaman

A.  Circle T if the statement is True and F if it is False.
1.  David‟s father worked in the post office.  T  F
2.  John is David‟s neighbour.  T  F
3.  David‟s mother went to the market that day.  T  F
4.  David and John played together till the next morning.  T  F
5.  David‟s mother had a backache.  T  F

B.  Answer the following questions based on the text above.
1.  Where had David been waiting for his mother? In front of the school
2.  Did David‟s mother fetch him after school that day?  No,she didn't
3.  How long did David wait for his mother? For 15 minutes
4.  Did anybody answer the door when he knocked it? No,nobody answered
5.  Who suggested David to wait for his mother in their house?  Jhon's mother
6.  What did David do in John‟s house? Playing till evening
7.  Why didn‟t David‟s mother fetch him that day? Because his mother just had
8.  What lesson did David learn that dayhat day? He has to bring his house key all the time

Read the text below and answer the questions!

Last week I went to my bestfriend birhtday party, I went there with my baby pink dress and wearing a flat baby pink shoes too. My mom drove me to get to her house.
I was the first person came there, she seems really happy when she saw me. She hugged me and then took me to the birhtday room. Not for a while our other friends came too.
After the party ends, I called my mom to pick me up but she had to go to out of town for business, and my mom won't let me alone at home, so I decided to sleepover at my bestfriend’s house. Before we go to bed, we opened teh presents. After that we went to sleep because its almost midnight

1. Why the writer sleepover at her bestfriend's house ? Because her mother had to go out of the town business
2.Who's the first person came to the party? The writer
3. What does the writer wearing to the party ?  With her baby pink dressand wearing a flat baby pink shoes
4. Why the writer's mom had to go to out of town? For business
5.What does the writer and her bestfriend do before they went sleep? They opened the present
6.When the writer and her bestfriend went sleep ?  When almost midnight
7.How can the writer go to the party ?  Her mother drive her to her bestfriend house
8.When was the party ? Last week

Jumat, 16 Oktober 2015

Contoh soal UN kelas 9 #1

Latihan soal UN B.inggris

Contoh Soal UN Bahasa Inggris SMP 2013.



Read the text below and answer the questions!

The Rats and The Elephants
Tikus dan Gajah

Once upon a time there lived a group of mice under a tree in peace. However, a group of elephants crossing the jungle unknowingly destroyed the homes of all the rats.
Pada zaman dahulu tinggallah sekelompok tikus hidup dibawah pohon dengan damai. Namun sekelompok gajah melewati hutan dan menghancurkan rumah tikus

Manyofthemwereevencrushedtodeath.Then taking of rats decided to approach the elephant's chief and request him to guide his herd through another route. On hearing the sad story, the elephant's king apologized and agreed to take another route. And so the lives of the rats were saved.
Banyak dari mereka yang mati.lalu tikus-tikus memutuskan untuk mendekati kepala gajah dan meminta gajah utk membimbing kawanan nya berkeliling. Mendengar kisah sedih,gajah-gajah meminta maaf dan setuju untuk mengambil rute lain dan kehidupan tikus terselamatkan.

One day elephant-hunters came to the jungle and trapped a group of elephants in huge nets. Then the elephant king suddenly remembered the king of the rats. He summoned on of the elephants of his herd, which had not been trapped, to go seek help from the king and told him aboutthetrappedelephants.
Suatu hari gajah pemburu datang mendekati hutan dan kelompok gajah itu terjebak di jaring yang besar. Dan raja gajah ingat kepada raja tikus. Dan dia menyuruh gajah lain untuk  memanggil raja tikus untuk menyelamatkan mereka dari jebakan tersebut.

The rat's king immediately took his entire group of rats and they cut open the nets which had trapped the elephant's herd. The elephant herd was totally set free. They danced with joy and thank the rats.
Raja tikus memanggil semua kelompok tikus untuk menggigit jaring tersebut untuk menyelamatkan kawanan gajah yang terjebak.Kawanan gajah pun terbebas dari jaring tsb dan mereka pun menari suka cita dan berterimakasih kepada tikus

1. What type of text is the above text? It is …
A. a narrative text
B. a description text
C. a recount text
D. an anecdote text
E. an expository text

2. What destroyed the homes of all rats?
A. a group of mice did
B. the hunter did
C. elephant-hunter did
D. a group of elephant did
E. elephant's herd

3. What helped the elephant's herd free?
A. the elephant-hunter did
B. the hunters did
C. the trapped elephants did
D. a group of king did
E. entire group of rats did

4. What is generic structure of "once upon a time there lived a group of mice under a tree in peace"?
A. Identification
B. Orientation
C. Complication
D. Resolution
E. Description

5. At the end of the story, how was the elephant's herd?
A. angry
B. sad
C. happy
D. dead
E. Disappointed

The following text is for Questions 1 to 2.

A Poor Boy
A poor boy sold goods from door to door to pay his school fee. One day he had only a little money left and he was very hungry. He decided to ask for some food at the next house he visited. However he was so nervous when a lovely young woman opened the door. He only asked for a glass of water. The woman thought that the boy was hungry so she gave him a large glass of milk. He drank it slowly, and then asked. “How much do owe you?”. “You don’t owe me anything,” she replied, “Mother has taught us never to accept pay for a kindness.” He said, “Then u thank you from my heart.” As the poor boy left that house, he felt stronger. His faith in God was getting stronger too. He had been ready to stop his study but now he got a spirit to continue it until he became a doctor.
       Some years later that young woman became critically ill. She was sent to the big city to cure her disease. The poor boy was the doctor. When he knew the name of the town she came from. he went to meet her. He recognized her at once. He tried hard to save the woman’s life. From then on he gave special attention to the sick woman. After a long struggle, the woman could be cured. The poor boy paid all the bill. He wrote “Paid in full with one glass of milk” under the bill. When the woman opened the bill, tears of joy flooded her eyes as her happy heart prayed,” thank you God, that your love has spread abroad through human hearts and hands1. What can we learn after reading the story above?

1. What did the poor boy ask when he met the woman?
A.     Some food.
B.    A glass of water.
C.     A large of milk.
D.     Health is important in life.

2. What did the main idea of paragraph two?
A.     The poor boy asked the woman for food.
B.     The woman came to the town where the boy lived.
C.    The poor boy cured the woman and repaid her kindness.
D.     The woman gave a large glass of milk to the poor boy.

Read the text below and answer the questions!

The Girl and Her Bucket

A young girl was going to market with a bucket of milk on her head. "With the gold that I get from the sale of this milk, I'll buy a red hen," she said. "The hen will lay eggs, they'll hatch and then I'll have many chicks to be raised. I'll feed them well and when they're grown, they will lay eggs. And those eggs will hatch and I will have more hens that will lay more eggs that will hatch into chicks.
I'll be rich and I'll wear fine clothes with emeralds and rubies from my collar to my toes and one day perhaps I shall visit the Queen. I shall bring her rare gifts from China. I'll enter the court with my arms full of treasure. When I bow low to the queen, I shall say, "For your majesty's pleasure!"
And she bowed low. With that sweep of her arm, she knocked off the bucket and spilled her fantasy load.
"Oh dear," she cried, "My dreams are splattered in puddles of milk on the road."

Vocabulary List:
-  bucket  = ember
-  sale  = penjualan
-  lay eggs  = bertelur
-  hatch  = menetas
-  raised  = diternakkan
-  feed  = memberi makan
-  emeralds  = zamrud
-  rubies  = merah delima
-  collar  = kerah baju
-  rare  = langka
-  treasure  = harta karun
-  bow  = membungkuk
-  spilled  = menumpahkan
-  splattered  = tercecer
-  puddles  = genangan, kubangan

A.  Circle T if the statement is True and F if it is False.
__T___1.  A young girl was going to market to sell the milk.
__T ___2.  She would buy emeralds from the sale of the milk.
___F__3.  The girl is from a rich family
___F__4.  The girl had a fantasy to be rich.
__T___5.  The girl lost her dream as she spilled the milk.

B.  Answer the following questions based on the text above.
1.  Where did the girl put the bucket of milk on?
2.  Where was the girl going to?
3.  What did she want to get from the sale of the milk?
4.  Why did he want to be rich?
5.  Who would she visit if she was rich?
6.  What would she say when bowing to the Queen?
7.  What would she give to the Queen?
8.  How did she splatter her dream?

Answer :

1. On hear head
2. She going to market
3.  The gold
4.  Because she wants show it to the queen
5. The Queen
6. She said "For your majesty's pleasure!"
7. she give a rare gifts from China
8. With that sweep of her arm, she knocked off the bucket and spilled her fantasy load.

Selasa, 01 September 2015

English time 4

Prucedural Text

Procedural text ~ adalah text atau bacaan yang menerangkan bagaimana cara untuk melakukan atau membuat sesuatu.

Procedural text ,terdiri atas :

1. Aim / goal = tujuan
~yaitu pada bagian ini mnceritakan apa yang akan kita buat atau kita lakukan

~yaitu pada bagian ini sebuah daftar dari bahan-bahan yang kita butuhkan

3.Steps = langkah-langkah
~pada bagian ini menerangkan bagaimana kita melakukan atau membuat sesuatu

*Prucedural text biasanya menggunakan kata 
  • first
  • second
  • after that
  • next
  • then
  • finaly ,etc
Procedural text biasanya menggunakan imperative verb (kata kerja perintah)
ex : cut,put,pour,stir,and etc

Example for procedural text  :

Juicy pineapple juice

Materials :
- a pleace of pineapple
- water
- sugar
- ice cubes

Steps :
1. Cut up a pineapple
2. Put the pineapple into a blender
3. Pour a half glass of water into the blender
4. Add a spoonful of sugar
5. Add some ice cubes
6. Trun on the blender blend them for severial minutes
7. Now your juicy pineapple is ready to be serived

 This example from Procedure text . don't forget to try this . thank you and dont forget to visit my blog agian .byeee ^^

Selasa, 25 Agustus 2015

English Time 3

Recount Text

Jessica Everson has been a fashionable girl since she was a teenager. To find various fadhionable clothes, she went to Singapore for a five day shopping trip a month ago. She went there with her sister Emma. They took a morning flight on 11th February 2012 by Garuda. They stayed with their relatives there.
Unfortunately, the weather was very hot. The temperature of the day ran up as high as 37 degree celcius. It was really such horrible weather. Emma couldn't stand it, so she become sick. Jessica took her to the hospital. The doctor gave her to drink plenty of water. Jessica couldn't do her shopping in Singapore because she had to take care of her sister. She felt disappointed, but she didn't want something bad happen to her sister. So, she decided to take her back to Jakarta.

Translate nya :
Jessica Everson telah menjadi gadis model sejak ia masih remaja.Untuk menemukan beberapa pakian yang fashionable,dia pergi ke singapura untuk perjalanan bebelanja 5 hari sebulan yang lalu.Dia pergi kesana bersama dengan adiknya,Emma.Mereka mengambil jadwal penerbangan pagi 11 febuari 2012 dengan menaiki pesawat Garuda,disana mereka tinggal di tempat kerabatnya
Sayangnya,Cuaca disana sangat panas.pada saat itu suhunya 37 derajat celcius.Cuaca seperti itu benar-benar sangat mengerikan.Emma pun akhirnya jatuh sakit karna dia tidak tahan dengan cuaca yg seperti itu.Jessica pun membawanya ke rumah sakit.Dokter itu memberikan nya air minum yg banyak.Jessica pun tidak jadi berbelanja di singapura ,karna dia harus menjaga adiknya.Dia merasa sangat kecewa,tetapi dia tidak menginginkan sesuatu yg buruk terjadi kepada adiknya.Jadi,dia memutuskan untuk kembali lagi ke jakarta. 

Question : 

1. What did Jessica and Emma go to Singapore for?
a. Seeing a doctor
b. Visiting their relatives
c. Shopping
d. Buying medicine

2. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
a. Jessica and her sister left for Singapore
b. Jessica and her sister had shopping activities
c. Emma got sick because she was very tired
d. Jessica couldn't do shopping because of her sick sister

3. What did the doctor tell Emma to do to get well?
a. Cancel her shopping
b. Go back to Jakarta soon
c. Drink a lot of water
d. Stay at her room

Thanks for coming to my blog,don't forget to come againn :)

Senin, 24 Agustus 2015

Kemerdekaan time !!

Perayaan 17 Agustus SMP DEK PADANG

MERDEKA...!!! dirgahayu REPUBLIK INDONESIA yg ke 70 Thn.Sehubungan dengan perayaan hari kemerdekaan kita maka siswa/i SMP DEK PADANG memeriahkan nya dengan mengadakan beberapa lomba.

Lomba diantara lain yaitu :

-Lomba balap karung
-Lomba estafet paku dlm botol dan sendok kelereng
-Futsal pake sarung
-pecah balon air

nahh ini nii beberapa foto keseruan saat lomba yg di ikuti siswa dan para teachers nya :


Nahh gimana seruukann....?? AYO smua anak" indonesia kita harus berjuang untuk memajukan negara kita,kita haru menjaga dan jgn melupakan jasa para pahwalan kita yaa.okee ini saja yang bisa saya share ke kalian smuanyaa.smoga bermanfaat yaa DIRGAHAYU REPUBLIK INDONESIA 70 thn. salam hangat dari kami keluarga besar yayasan DEK PADANG untuk indonesiaa ..!!!