Selasa, 25 Agustus 2015

English Time 3

Recount Text

Jessica Everson has been a fashionable girl since she was a teenager. To find various fadhionable clothes, she went to Singapore for a five day shopping trip a month ago. She went there with her sister Emma. They took a morning flight on 11th February 2012 by Garuda. They stayed with their relatives there.
Unfortunately, the weather was very hot. The temperature of the day ran up as high as 37 degree celcius. It was really such horrible weather. Emma couldn't stand it, so she become sick. Jessica took her to the hospital. The doctor gave her to drink plenty of water. Jessica couldn't do her shopping in Singapore because she had to take care of her sister. She felt disappointed, but she didn't want something bad happen to her sister. So, she decided to take her back to Jakarta.

Translate nya :
Jessica Everson telah menjadi gadis model sejak ia masih remaja.Untuk menemukan beberapa pakian yang fashionable,dia pergi ke singapura untuk perjalanan bebelanja 5 hari sebulan yang lalu.Dia pergi kesana bersama dengan adiknya,Emma.Mereka mengambil jadwal penerbangan pagi 11 febuari 2012 dengan menaiki pesawat Garuda,disana mereka tinggal di tempat kerabatnya
Sayangnya,Cuaca disana sangat panas.pada saat itu suhunya 37 derajat celcius.Cuaca seperti itu benar-benar sangat mengerikan.Emma pun akhirnya jatuh sakit karna dia tidak tahan dengan cuaca yg seperti itu.Jessica pun membawanya ke rumah sakit.Dokter itu memberikan nya air minum yg banyak.Jessica pun tidak jadi berbelanja di singapura ,karna dia harus menjaga adiknya.Dia merasa sangat kecewa,tetapi dia tidak menginginkan sesuatu yg buruk terjadi kepada adiknya.Jadi,dia memutuskan untuk kembali lagi ke jakarta. 

Question : 

1. What did Jessica and Emma go to Singapore for?
a. Seeing a doctor
b. Visiting their relatives
c. Shopping
d. Buying medicine

2. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
a. Jessica and her sister left for Singapore
b. Jessica and her sister had shopping activities
c. Emma got sick because she was very tired
d. Jessica couldn't do shopping because of her sick sister

3. What did the doctor tell Emma to do to get well?
a. Cancel her shopping
b. Go back to Jakarta soon
c. Drink a lot of water
d. Stay at her room

Thanks for coming to my blog,don't forget to come againn :)

Senin, 24 Agustus 2015

Kemerdekaan time !!

Perayaan 17 Agustus SMP DEK PADANG

MERDEKA...!!! dirgahayu REPUBLIK INDONESIA yg ke 70 Thn.Sehubungan dengan perayaan hari kemerdekaan kita maka siswa/i SMP DEK PADANG memeriahkan nya dengan mengadakan beberapa lomba.

Lomba diantara lain yaitu :

-Lomba balap karung
-Lomba estafet paku dlm botol dan sendok kelereng
-Futsal pake sarung
-pecah balon air

nahh ini nii beberapa foto keseruan saat lomba yg di ikuti siswa dan para teachers nya :


Nahh gimana seruukann....?? AYO smua anak" indonesia kita harus berjuang untuk memajukan negara kita,kita haru menjaga dan jgn melupakan jasa para pahwalan kita yaa.okee ini saja yang bisa saya share ke kalian smuanyaa.smoga bermanfaat yaa DIRGAHAYU REPUBLIK INDONESIA 70 thn. salam hangat dari kami keluarga besar yayasan DEK PADANG untuk indonesiaa ..!!!

Minggu, 09 Agustus 2015

English Time 2

Example For Present Continuous

 Let's Get Ready ...??

Present Continuous digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung. rumus Present continuous :
(+) S + Tobe (am,is,are) + Ving + O
(-) S +Tobe (am,is,are) + Not + Ving + O
(?) Tobe (am,is,are) + S + Ving + O + ?

for example : 
a. Accompany
b. Declare
c. Praise
d. Complain
e. Effect

(+) She is accompany me to learn english now
(-) she is not accompany me to learn english now
(?) is she accompany me to learn english now ?


(+) He is declaring  his independence speech now
(-) He is not declaring his independence speech now
(?) Is he declaring his independence speech now ?

(+) He praised his mother like a angels
(-) He is not praised his mother like a angels
(?) Is he praised his mother like a angels ?

(+) We are complain to our head of the class now
(-) We are not complain to our head of the class now
(?) Are we complain to our head of the class now ?

(+) Internet is has a good effect and bad effect 
(-) Internet is not has a good effect and bad effect
(?) Is internet has a good effect and bad effect ?

Thank you all. i just share my knowledge :) ^.^
don't forget to visit to my blog  *byee aurel :) ^.^

Sabtu, 08 Agustus 2015


Introduce MySelf

Hello ! my name is Aurelia can call me Aurel.I was born in Bandung,11 Agust 2001. i'm 14 years old. i live at perum UNAND biologi 9 street,west sumatera. i live with my family,of course i has one mother and one mother name is "Wini astriani" ,and my fahter name is " Aswad kennedy".

I has one brother ,and two little brother. my brother name is "M.Rakha SL"  my little brother name is "Kaysan Azka Gifari" and "Abiel Rafka Alfarisky". I'm is the only girl in the family with my mom. i'm very close with my mom. because i with my mom  like a best friend. i often to sharing my story all about my friends and about some one special with my mom.

ooh..yeah.. now,i'm school at Dek Junior High School . i'm on the 9 grade now .my teacher class is Teacher.Roseswinda . my best friends is Febi,Shelsa,Tria,Puma,Nasuha,Sisi,Wini,Fania ,and Nadia . my favorite food is kebab,salad,ketupat,fried rice ,and etc. my hoby is food,listening a music,reads a some novel. my IDOL is TULUS,Christoffer nelwan,Raditya dika,Raisa adriana,Chelsea islan ,and etc. ohh yeah guys thanks for your attention and dont forget to visit to my blog "" .I'm a comica and i like to stand up comedy. coming soon fact about JOMBLO 2 in my blog . ^^